You have a web solution in place. For example, you have a website that sits readily available at the click of a digital button or link. Your potential clients load up your website and they are making initial judgments about your business within seconds. If your website suffers from desertion, then that potential client just stumbled upon a website that has not been maintained or managed properly and may look outdated or feel built on outdated standards.

Most of those gears are built with external dependencies. For example, simply creating a website will not get you in Google search results. There are additional steps that have to be taken in order to get this to work. Once completed, your website will link up with Google and then you will begin to appear in Google search results.

Website Desertion Prevention

I offer a maintenance plan that prevents Website Desertion. I’ll keep your web solutions up to date by checking up on web content, keeping the standards updated and work with external dependencies. Most of the work I can do in the background without interrupting your service. You and everyone else may not notice the difference, but your business sure will.

Contact me to learn more about how I can help you.


Wikipedia contributors. (2019, May 19). Web content. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 19:39, June 12, 2019, from